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American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls 5 to 18 years of age. We are on a mission to build women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.

Our progressive program emphasizes six key components to achieve the mission of building women of integrity known as the AHG Program Emphases which includes programming, experiences, and resources for every age level. Girls who complete the program will be Christ-following servant leaders who are honoring, relational, anchored in Christ, and competent.

Our family-friendly, multi-level Troop structure is specifically created with the physical, mental, social, spiritual, and emotional needs of today’s girls aged 5 to 18.

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American Heritage Girls is designed to celebrate girlhood in every way. Unlike other extracurricular activities that exist to push a child into mastery, the Program Levels do not serve to rush a girl through learning and experiencing all that AHG has to offer. Rather, the five Program Levels of AHG exist to guide a girl towards pursuing Christian leadership opportunities and becoming a woman of integrity in her own way by exploring life skills, faith, and service.